
Important resources concerning international and domestic internal legislation related to court decisions and resources within the context of the doctrine of transitional justice period can be reached here including the Turkish translations. These have been put together to support the struggles of victims of gross human rights violations.

Makaleler The Articles section provides major articles which encompass the implementation and mechanisms concerning the doctrine of transitional justice period from all over the world and can be reached here. The Hafıza Merkezi would like to thank Oxford Journals for their solidarity and collaboration and each of the authors individually for these articles.

Mevzuat The International Legislation section includes international human rights conventions to which Turkey is a signatory and hence is bound by via article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey; in addition this section also includes documents which contain rules, principles and reminders prepared by the European Council and the United Nations, both of which Turkey is a member.

Kararlar The Decisions section, on the other hand, presents judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter American Court of Human Rights concerning significant cases of enforced disappearance which can be presented as examples to the domestic courts.